Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Loofah Washcloths- an awesome way to wash!

I love the way my poofball (loofah) scrubs but I cannot stand how long it takes to rinse it out thoroughly!  So I came up with an awesome solution!  I made washcloths out of the poofball material. 

So how did I do it?  Well remember those looms you used as a kid to make potholders?
Well I took that idea and revamped it to make the loofah washcloths!
  I needed a larger loom so I took 56 nails and drove them into a board about 3/4 inch apart to make a 10x10 inch square loom.  And I took a cheap metal coat hanger, cut and bent it to make a supersize version on the weaving tool.  Sorry there are no pictures of that process, I did it a year or so ago.
Okay so here are all the supplies you will need for this process:
A large loom, a weaving tool, scissors & a poofball or two, if you want it to be two different colors.
First step is to untie the cord wrapped around the poofball.  Open up the poofball and if you can untie it thats best, otherwise cut it off.  Be careful not to cut the poofball itself though.  Then unravel the rest of the material.


Then cut loops about 1 1/2 inch - 2 inches wide. You will need 14 strips of each color or 28 of just one color.

Then stretch the loops from one end of the loom to the other until all 14 of the first color are on. Like below

Now it is time to weave the other color the opposite direction.  Take your weaving tool and put it under the first loop and over the next, then under and over & repeat until you get to the other side.  Then pull a loop through.


Next take the tool and run it OVER first, then UNDER, and repeat that until the end and pull the second loop through.

The third row will be under and over, 4th row over & under, continue alternating until you finish.

Time to crochet the edges.  To do this take a corner loop off of the nail.  Grab the other corner loop right next to it.  Put your crochet loop (weaving tool) through both loops.  Pull the first one over the second and back off the tool.

Then grab the next loop and put it on the tool.  Pull the previous loop over and off the tool.  Continue this process all the way around, continuing around corners the same way.

When you get to the very last loop grab the first loop with the tool and pull last loop over and off.  Now you can take the cord that was originally wrapped around the poofball and tie it onto this loop.  I find the cord is a little long so I cut it in half first and then tie it on. And Voila! You are all done!

My husband, best friends, best friend's dad, my mom & sister all use these too and think they are wonderful!  If you aren't too crafty I'm glad to make one and send it to you.  I should probably start an Etsy page soon.

1 comment:

  1. Love the idea Kathryn!! I see a craft show project for you to sell if you wanted. You need to paton this idea.
